Everyday Entrepreneur

Everyday Entrepreneur Program

Launch your business with a well-thought-out vetted strategy

UAACCCF illustrations 5Identify and validate your business opportunity using a data driven process that mitigates costly errors. 

Are you ready to launch your business or strengthen your hustle? This course teaches entrepreneurs in Utah to identify and validate a business opportunity mitigating costly errors, then build a solid ‘go-to-market’ strategy to successfully launch the business. Using a proven iterative process that drives opportunity and strategy based on real customer feedback, which validates the product or service and the business model, creating a quick path to revenue. 

  • Validate your idea using real customer feedback
  • Design a comprehensive business model, including a monthly revenue forecast
  • Through storytelling, create your brand and a go-to-market strategy
  • Practice being business owner and build your network as an expert in your industry
  • Launch your business and get to revenue quickly!
  • In addition, you will be exposed to other small business resources, advisors and mentors.

January 31, 2023.

Classes run every Tuesday for 12 weeks.

Tuesdays 4-6 PM

The Mill Entrepreneurship Center, 9750 S 300 W, Sandy, UT 84070, Room #333

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